Referral Program Policy

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Valid from: 2024-03-04

Referral Program Policy

Thank you for choosing SpectroCoin. Before participating in the Referral Program, please read Referral Program Policy and its Terms, as well as SpectroCoin General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.
  1. Definitions

    1. Cashbacks are earnings of the Referred Customer, which shall be earned and paid under these T&C, due to the use of the SpectroCoin Services.
    2. Partner (“You”) means a person or a legal entity, which participates in the Referral Program and wish to attract Referred Customers.
    3. Referral Commissions are Your earnings, earned and paid under these T&C due to reference of Referred Customers.
    4. Referred Customer. Prospect customer becomes a Referred Customer after clicking Your Referral Program link and submitting to the SpectroCoin application to become a customer of SpectroCoin, and SpectroCoin starts a business relationship with that prospect customer.
    5. Referral link or Referral ID means a unique identificator (URL website address or code), which is created to relate You, Referred Customer and the settings of the Referral Program.
    6. Referral Program is a set of rules defined as the promotion of SpectroCoin Services and finding new customers at the SpectroCoin Platform, who become Referred Customers by using Your Referral Program link or Your Referral ID.
    7. T&C means these Terms & Conditions for the SpectroCoin Referral Program.
    8. Other definitions have the meaning assigned to them under the SpectroCoin General Terms and Conditions (“Terms”).
  2. Payments

    1. Referral Commissions
      1. Referral Commissions are paid to You as part of the SpectroCoin fees applied for the buy or sell of the Virtual Currency initiated by the Referred Customer. They are equal to 20 % (twenty percent) of such fees, received by the SpectroCoin from the Referred Customer.
      2. Referral Commissions are calculated from the amount of funds, which are left after excluding all costs, expenses, taxes and all other SpectroCoin liabilities and obligations from the relevant fees received from the Referred Customers.
    2. Cashbacks
      1. When creating a Referral link or ID, You can select the percentage of Referral Commissions that Referred Customers can receive.
      2. You can create up to 5 (five) Referral Program links or IDs, each with different Referral Commission and Cashback combinations.
      3. You can choose these combinations to split Your Referral Commissions:
        1. 20 % Referral Commission – 0 % Cashback;
        2. 15 % Referral Commission – 5 % Cashback;
        3. 10 % Referral Commission – 10 % Cashback;
        4. 5 % Referral Commission – 15 % Cashback;
        5. 0 % Referral Commission – 20 % Cashback.
    3. Payouts
      1. Referral Commissions and Cashbacks are paid for the 12 (twelve) month period from the first day the prospect customer becomes the Referred Customer.
      2. Referral Commissions and Cashbacks are paid out daily, with a minimum payment amount of EUR 1.00 or accumulated over time until the minimum payment amount is reached.
  3. Adding Prospect Customers

    1. When prospect customers sign up and become Referred Customers via Your Referral link, SpectroCoin links those Referred Customers to You. Referred Customers can also be manually added by SpectroCoin back-office agents in case of necessity.
    2. You may set Referral callbacks to receive data about newly registered Referred Customers via any of Your Referral links.
  4. Services Promotion Limitation

    1. You can promote Services and search for prospect customers via various types of communication, including live conversations, web marketing, and e-mail messages, but at all times representing Yourself as independent from the SpectroCoin. You shall take all reasonable steps to preserve and protect the goodwill and reputation of the SpectroCoin.
    2. When sending e-mail messages or taking any other communication or personal data-based activity, You shall not send unsolicited electronic messages to multiple unrelated recipients or otherwise engage in any other form of mass electronic communications, follow all possible anti-spam rules and in no way put SpectroCoin in any association with the spam.
    3. You shall not promote SpectroCoin Services:
      1. in any way that effectively conceals or misrepresents Your identity, domain name or any other information;
      2. on any website that promotes sexually explicit materials, violence, discrimination, or illegal activities or violates any copyright law, trade secret law, or other laws protecting intellectual property;
      3. in any manner, which is objectionable (harmful, discriminatory, etc.) in SpectroCoin’s sole discretion;
      4. in a manner which leads prospect customers to believe that You are SpectroCoin or that You are acting in any form together with SpectroCoin, or that SpectroCoin is not a provider of the Services;
      5. in a manner that is unethical or inappropriate, commit fraud or any other illegal activity;
      6. is implying any warranties or guarantees for the prospect customers of SpectroCoin;
      7. implying any representations to the specifications, features or capabilities of the Services or SpectroCoin itself, that are deceptive, misleading or otherwise inconsistent with the information SpectroCoin provides;
      8. modifying conditions of the Services.
  5. Eligibility

    1. You and the Referred Customer cannot be the same person (for example, by using a different email address). The Referred Customer has to be a new customer who was never a customer of SpectroCoin. SpectroCoin will automatically disqualify suspicious referrals.
    2. Referral Program cannot be used by persons who have or had a separate Referral Partner Agreement with SpectroCoin and by customers who are acting as introducers of SpectroCoin in accordance with a separate agreement.
  6. Liability

    1. SpectroCoin makes no express or implied warranties or representations concerning the implementation of the Referral Program or Your potential to earn income from it.
    2. SpectroCoin accepts no responsibility for any loss or damages if You or Your Referred Customers provide any wrong or false information.
    3. SpectroCoin is not responsible for any taxes, duties, VAT charges and similar taxes and fees owed by the Partner arising out of this Referral Program. SpectroCoin will not withhold any taxes, duties, VAT charges and similar taxes and fees from the payments to the Partner. In case any taxes, duties, VAT charges and similar taxes and fees shall be applied to the payments, it is general rule that they are included into the sum of the payments.
    4. Partner shall indemnify, defend and hold SpectroCoin harmless from and against any claims arising out or relating to all charges emanating from payment under the Referral Program or any other claims related with the Referral Program.
    5. In no event shall SpectroCoin cumulative liability to You arising out of or related to the Referral Program exceed 1 (one) month’s Referral Commissions and Cashbacks paid under the Referral Program.
    6. Partner shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred in the performance of its activities pursuant to the Referral Program
  7. Changes and Termination of the Referral Program

    1. SpectroCoin reserves the right to cancel the Referral Program or modify these T&C (including the amount of the any payments) at any time at its sole discretion.
    2. SpectroCoin reserves the right to remove the Referred Customer or withhold any Payments if unauthorized or unacceptable activity is detected.
    3. Violations of limitations specified in these T&C or any law will be the cause for immediate termination of the Referral Program and cancelation of any Payments under the Referral Program, as well as application of all Your liability due to the breach of these T&C.
  8. Final provisions

    1. What is not regulated in these T&C, shall be regulated under the Terms.
    2. Upon separate written agreement with SpectroCoin, special conditions may be agreed, which shall prevail these T&C.
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