Compound (COMP)
Market cap
0% of crypto market
Circulating supply
0.00 COMP
NaN% of total supply
24h volume
Price change 1h
Price change 24h
Price change 7d
Symbol: COMP
Max supply: Unlimited
Consensus: –
Released in: 2020
Official website:
Blockchain explorer:
What is Compound?
COMP is the native currency of Compound, a decentralized protocol based on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing users to lend and borrow cryptocurrency without any financial intermediaries. COMP token is used to encourage the usage of the platform – every time users interact with a Compound market, they are rewarded with COMP tokens.
You can buy and sell Compound at SpectroCoin.
Please note: currently at SpectroCoin ERC-20 Compound (COMP) transactions are processed on the Ethereum (ETH) network.
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