Dash (DASH)
Market cap
0% of crypto market
Circulating supply
0.00 DASH
NaN% of total supply
24h volume
Price change 1h
Price change 24h
Price change 7d
Symbol: DASH
Max supply: Unlimited
Consensus: Proof of work / Proof of stake
Released in: 2014
Official website: https://dash.org/
Blockchain explorer: https://explorer.dash.org/
What is Dash?
Dash is an altcoin focused on privacy and speed, created as a Bitcoin fork in 2014. Dash masternodes provide two additional cryptocurrency transaction alternatives – PrivateSend is designed to make DASH transactions untraceable, while InstantSend takes advantage of masternode consensus to increase transaction speed.
You can buy and sell Dash at SpectroCoin.
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